
By tfb

Steps to launch platform

These, together with the concrete foundations now considerably overgrown, are all that remain of the platform used for the early suborbital test flights. During this part of the programme the special fuels were in an early stage of development and apparently considerably less mutagenic than the later developments: the vegetation which now covers the platform foundations appears relatively normal. There is scant evidence of animal life and what little I did see seemed somehow listless and anaemic. This may be the result of more recent johnsonite programmes however: like a vast tapeworm slowly consuming its host from within they weaken and destroy all life.

A respite from the half-seen followers today. Last night there was considerable scratching at the door and windows, accompanied by the usual strange keening cries. At about 3AM I took a chance, opened the door suddenly and discharged two rounds from my shotgun loaded with white phosphorous shot at whatever was outside at a range of no more than two feet. The screaming was unpleasant but eventually it dragged itself – or was dragged – away and I heard no more. Perhaps I have frightened them off. Perhaps.

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