Good Mood Day

Indoor yoga done. Prepared my own breakfast from leftovers. Will make an effort to add in extra photos to lessen the need to overthink the caption.
P.S. T will be celebrating his 9th birthday two days from now however he is all grown up and usually dislikes it when I make an effort to "baby" him.

*Thorversations the other day:
P(i)a: It's super hot these days.
T: Clearly you are not drinking enough water.

Funniest thing I remember T saying:
P(i)a: What did I do/say this time?
T: Nothing. It's just that sometimes you talk too much.
P(i)a: Of course, I'm human. We use words to communicate (blah, blah). Should I just respond with "Meow, meow, meow.?"
T: (ignores me so I walk away and let him be).
It is Friday here and I just logged 340 days of movement on Strava. Still have a lot of photos and videos to process so I haven't had the chance to say thank you to every one who left greetings on the "blip day." Have a good one!

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