I spy Freddie....................

On Monday we returned back to Edinburgh (after spending a month in Cornwall) and since then my human's life has been one big social whirl. After more than two years, things finally seem to be getting back to normal in Scotland. Ann still doesn't really understand how things in England have been back to normal for more than two months, while here in Scotland, we've only just been 'released'??? But hey ho there's a lot of things my human doesn't understand. Ie, she doesn't understand how Boris and his cronies could have parties, in first lockdown, when single people who lived alone were totally, utterly & completely by themselves because they were following the rules that Boris, the PM, said we must follow????  Oh well, stuff happens I guess. One can't change the past, one can only hope that the future will be better.

This morning Ann wanted to do more 'plant shopping'. And what Ann wants, we do.................... I had to do a bit of waiting around in the car and then I went to the grounds of 'Lauriston Castle' for a walk. (See extras). There were a lot of squirrels that needed chasing. Unfortunately I didn't manage to catch any.

Ann was back in the 'world of work' this afternoon so I had to stay 'home alone' and then when she came home we walked over to her friend, Susi's house, for dinner. Normally I don't go to Susi's house because Susi has two cats (Freddie who's always off outside exploring & Missie who is always lying on a bed somewhere) and Ann doesn't think it's fair that I invade their territory (even though Ann & Susi always sit in the kitchen and the cats are never, ever there). However, because Ann had been working all afternoon and I need a walk when she gets home, my afternoon walk got incorporated into a walk to Susi's.

….........And just look who I spotted when I was lying looking out of the cat flap............. Freddie................. He was waiting to come in. Mmmmm............. I'm not actually sure what I would have done to Freddie if he had bothered to come through the catflap whilst I was guarding it.................

But do you know what?..................... I didn't get a chance to find out...... Ann clipped me back onto my lead, made me sit down next to her and said, 'Trixie, traumatising your hosts is not acceptable behaviour.'
So that was the end of that!!!!!!!!

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