Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Getting there

A dreich, damp morning meant I felt justified once more in having a second little sleep after finishing my tea (and my Wordle!) today, and equally justified in not rushing to fill the washing machine, but by mid-morning it was obvious that the rain had more or less stopped and by mid-afternoon the sun was shining brightly. At least I was able to stop fretting about the final documents about our holiday - they arrived by email just as I was firing off another one to the company. 

I'd actually taken myself outside to sit on the bench outside the back door, intending to do some Italian, when my phone rang: the van driver somewhere along our lane looking for the back gate to deliver our patio furniture to. It turned out that not only was he bringing it into our garden for us; he'd also assembled the table to make life easier for us. He carried it over his head down the five steps from the gate, I thanked him profusely, he asked if he was right in remembering us from school ...

Anyway, now that I have something to sit on and be the reason I thought of having a patio built in the first place, here it is - my rosemary and thyme pots close to the kitchen door, the new whirligig beyond, and the table and chairs that will mean we can sit comfortably and have lunch outside without frying (which is what tends to happen on hot days where I sat to take the photo). We also have a sunshade ... 

That dealt with, I repotted a rose from our Ruby anniversary which had been in the border we sacrificed - I've put it beside the front garden path in a large pot. I felt quite organised and ladylike when I'd done this, somehow. And then we went for a late stroll up the road and round the church, simply because we knew the grounds would be looking wonderful. I can't resist adding one of the photos I took - I have to take several at different times of the year to put in the church calendar! 

Watched the first episode of the new "Terror" serial - not sure if I can face watching it regularly. Anyone?

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