Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Watching the lorry...

Today started out as a great day, sun shining, I was off work and all was well with the world. I did little in the morning and planned to go and see where the guy who works in my garden had moved house to, this afternoon! After lunch the rain came - not much though so I thought the road to the man's house would be fine.

Off we went and when he showed me the road it wasn't too bad - however as we went along it got gradually worse and soon I was travelling over small gullys with fast moving water in them. Then he told me to turn right and I laughed - it was a very deep ditch with running water. He told me to go ahead as his neighbour had a small car and he was able to pass easily.

So, off I went and got through with a bit of sliding but nothing serious. However, the next part was not passable so I stopped the car and walked to the house. Had a great time with the family.

Time to come home and the deep gully now has a big lorry stuck fast in it and its the only way out! I went to see what was happening and it was obvious the lorry was not going to get out anytime soon. However there was enough room for my car to pass (just). So the men trying to get the lorry out said if I got stuck they would push me. Off I started and unfortunately once I got into the ditch the car skidded and rammed into the side of the lorry! I just heard something smash and thought my back lights have gone!

Eventually after a lot of pushing and shoving we got the car out and I am glad to say that there is a crack in one of the back lights and some green paint from the lorry on the side of the car but apart from that it is fine!

The blip today is not of that obviously as I could not take the picture while driving, but it is of some small girls who were busy watching the lorry episode before I started to move my car!!

So all is once again well with the world - the car still works and no one was hurt!! (and the lorry is still stuck!!)

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