Red-legged Partridge #56

Knowing my husband was taking the car at 10.30 and was going to be out all day, I took the opportunity to get my nature fix early in the morning for a change. 
I went to the field in St Helens where we have seen Brown Hares before in the hope that I could see some. As I trundled slowly down the lane I noticed a bird on the telegraph post and was thrilled when it turned out to be a Little Owl, my first this year. Unfortunately it did not hang around until I could stop and get my camera out. 
The field was full of crops which did not allow a chance of seeing hares, so I backed up to the edge of the crops after seeing this pair of red-legged partridges. They were in and out of the crops and soon disappeared when an early morning jogger ran past. 
I waited around for a while but they never reappeared. I did actually see a couple of hares way out in the distance which was nice, but when a man came along with a dog off his lead, I knew there was no point in hanging around any longer. 

Back at home, I made a cheesecake for my brother's birthday tomorrow, did two loads of washing and then spent the rest of the day in the garden. The hanging baskets are now planted up and will be left to grow in the greenhouse for a little while before being put out towards the end of the month. I pricked out some strawflowers, planted out some hardy annuals and did some weeding and tidying. Feeling pleased with what I have accomplished and now going to have a relaxing evening. 

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