First Aid

Yesterday was almost like summer and today was almost like autumn, gloomy and rainy. It was photography course day at the uni! First we watched couple of Alec Soth's videos and then we started to review our photography projects. It was super interesting to see my creative class mates' works. Unfortunately I had to leave a bit earlier, I had to pick up my two paintings from a framer shop before it closed. Framing really elevates paintings! Hubby and Emma picked me up and it was great, because it rained so much. 

We also had some time to go and see Kari Caven's exhibition in the Art Gallery Himmelblau before it closed doors. Caven's exhibition ends tomorrow and today was the last opportunity for me to see it. And I'm happy we did see the exhibition, I loved it. In the picture is a work called Ensiapu = First Aid.

+9,5°C, cloudy and rainy


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