
By Myceliumme


It's hard to think of anything particularly good the I've done today. From 10 to 10:45 I half-heartedly turned the pedals of my spin-bike. Then my wife and I had coffee and sausage rolls at a local coffee-shop, and got stumped on quite a few of the Guardian crossword and weekly quiz questions. 

I then worked for several hours, checking an assembled output from one of my projects for errors, then documenting these in a way that **should** lead to the team being able to fix them easily. (The presence of these errors, after I had pointed them out in the individual components almost a month ago, is giving me much heartache.) 

Before and after dinner, I worked on minutes of a community meeting. Because these will be available to the general public, and cover a presentation about the local council's forthcoming changes to waste and recycling systems, there was a huge amount of detail to capture and yet present concisely. So the task involved much more than simply noting agreed actions in a document containing the agenda items, and hence took about 4 hours. Ah well, I can lie in for a bit tomorrow, then come back to my home-desk. It's comfortable for me, not least because I can use my own, rather fast Mac, rather than my work-issued slow PC laptop.

The photo shows our back windows, where rodents have eaten the mastic around the recently-installed new windows. (The rodents are attracted to the linseed oil in the mastic.) So by having other more urgent things to do, I've avoided buying rodent-traps or breaking listed-building regulations by getting rodent-unfriendly mastic installed.

Any rodent-traps I get would be 'humane' but is it good to imprison a creature simply because it does what's natural to it? Also, how would I transport rodents away from my house? Is it fair to dump problem rodents away from their familiar surroundings, and hence dump rodent-problems on others? Answers on a postcard please! 

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