Taking over

Our garden has a yew tree. It's pretty dull just being a mass of dark green. The previous owners topped it at one point making it a funny shape. When we moved it, we pruned it pretty hard to bring some shape back into it, and discovered several metal bird feeders in it! My wife decided to remove several of its relatives that were in really annoying places, but this one got a stay of execution as it was useful for one end of a washing line and she decided to grow a clematis over it.

This spring was the first year that we've actually seen plenty of flowers on the clematis on the tree. For the moment the yew seems to be okay, but they will both obviously need managing or things will get silly.

Building work is still dragging on, and I've basically given up all hope or a speedy completion, it's been over a year now and I can feel it being a few more months - and then the next phase starts....

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