
By KevinMaskell

Ice Cold Crocus

Sorry there hasn't been any images for the last two days.

As I started losing the grip in my left hand on Monday morning, I contacted the hospital, and then went down to my London hospital A&E for an MRI scan on my spine. This was done at a quarter to midnight! I was then taken to a ward at 4.00 am, so no sleep that night. I was able to sleep during Tuesday night, and was back home late Wednesday evening.

The results of the MRI scan showed that my recent symptoms are due to a narrowing of the Brachial Plexus nerves in the top part of my back, close to my spine. Fortunately, as this problem area is above the area they can't do any more radiotherapy on, I will be having radiotherapy every day next week.

As I am having to get used to only using my right hand to do things at the moment, I may not be able to do much photography for a while.

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