
By Brotographer

they come to snuff the rooster

Apologies for this, April's had some of my best photo efforts so far, and now seemingly my worst ones. It seems my engineering friends and me are only human, and our blips have taken a backseat during this last week of project work.
How am I doing? I've set myself a schedule for the coming few days and I've got good hopes for the final result. Never done a project on such a large scale though, so its hard to tell how much I have left to do!

Took a break and had dinner with Eve, Andy and Shane at the Duck. Discussed tour stuff. Seeing friends again makes up for crappy weather and everyday routine here!

In other news, the various holes and bruises on my head seem to be healing up well! Hairline stitch can soon come off, the hole in my forehead is steadily regrowing skin and there's almost no more traces of swelling and black eyes. I actually tanned a bit it seems. Too bad I'm supposed to stay away from the sun for a while now...


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