Native Bleeding Hearts

The native Bleeding Hearts plants are another plant that has shown up and spread in my garden. I like them, but they cannot compare to the striking pink & white Bleeding Hearts; however, these plants didn't survive in my garden this year.

Last night, I picked up my daughter at the airport; she came to town to be with her cousin as she tried on her wedding dress. I guess it is a new tradition for the bride's best friends to celebrate the arrival of her dress. Ron's wife was one of the ladies in the group, but she was ready to cancel because she was having a sorrowful day home alone. I am glad she decided to go, and I think she had a good time.  I seem to forget that Ron's illness is difficult for his wife too; she was very anxious today about driving downtown to meet Ron's cousin, so my daughter drove her car after she got here. 

I hope all of you are going to enjoy this weekend.

If you have time: I just added my Blip for Wednesday now.

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