View from the bay at Dangle

Today with our car well charged, we did a long drive around the many peninsulars in the north of Donegal. The weather was very cloudy and misty and 'flat' for photography. We stopped twice to recharge the car and the second time was near this bay which we walked around while we were waiting for the car to charge. This evening we hooked up to a charger while we went out for a meal but we returned to find that it hadn't worked. We then went to a charger in a garage and got a full 2% (4 miles) before it closed. Just for information, I will not be getting rid of my 10 year old petrol car anytime soon!! Going away from home on long journneys not only takes a lot of planning but you have to factor in the many chargers that are out of order! Never mind, on the whole it is a great holiday :-)

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