Watering Granny's Greenhoose

A cloudy morning, but cleared into a sunny and warm afternoon.  Cloudy again this evening. 

A morning around the house, getting on with cleaning chores.  Sister-in-law Ruth spoke over the fence.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa after lunch, and then walkies with friend Julie and the dogs.  Sister Julie and the lasses came down from Unst, and the lasses are staying over for the night.  After tea, we headed down to see Laura and family.  A night watching the Eurovision song contest, and we are all ready to cast our votes.  

While we were down the road, we popped down to mam's to check on her greenhouse and plants.  The old saying, many hands make light work, it didn't take long to get all the plants watered.  Mam's plants are coming on better as mine, but being a bigger greenhouse, it warming up better and retaining the heat.  Front to back - Lottie, Anna, Laura, Megan and Elise sneaking in the back.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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