hours to sunset

This beautiful, and VERY large (8 x4.6 m) sundial made from tiny Venetian glass mosaic tiles adorns a wall at the University Club.

Just love it, so whimsical and playful and with lots going on in the huge panel. With the sun as a bird and the moon as a fish it is so appropriate to the building's position on the Swan River and the birds and fish that call this river home.

Commissioned to commemorate the 100th year anniversary of the University of WA, it was designed by Shaun Tan who took influences from the medieval, illuminated manuscript 'Book of the Hours'.
The 'gnomon' (the part of the sundial that casts the shadow) casts the shadow on the line that reads the 'hours to sunset' (and through the gnomon's circle, there is the sun's eye!)
Can you imagine the mathematics involved in getting this just so??

Shaun Tan was born in 1974 in Freo and is an author and illustrator of children's books. In 2011 he won an Oscar for the animated film 'The Lost Thing' based on his 2000 picture book.

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