Acts of deliberate notice

By Yaviere


When I started this Blip journey, I intended to update, as near as I could, every day. What I didn't factor in at that time was the sheer mental exhaustion of work and chores, activities and other peoples' demands on my time, and the drain of staring at a computer screen all day. Sometimes all of that piles up until you just don't want to do a single other thing. Being creative is completely beyond you.

And then, sometimes, you have a weekend away from all of that, and you are reminded of what matters. Family, crafting, spending time outdoors, remembering that you are entitled to spend a little time on your own self-care. 

Today I planted up four little pots of herbs for my kitchen windowsill and was given this young pepper plant. It is always such a joy to watch plants grow. The reminder to slow down and enjoy life is also a growth of sorts.

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