
By Beewriter


Well there were no big dramas today, thank goodness.

I had reception and then kindergarten first thing and I took them on a little detour on the way to the library. There are sheep in the field next to school and one ewe must have had a baby in the last couple of days. They were fairly near the fence so we went for a little look. It was very cute and I presume the other ewes are pregnant too so I will be keeping a close eye out for a photo opportunity.

I went in prep 3 this afternoon and ended up 'volunteering' to try out the mod roc. The children thought it was hilarious as Sue plastered me up. I set up the camera and Sue took a pic as the children were seeing how it had hardened.

I stuck my head round the door of prep I and I don't think the children recognised me as they just gazed in amazement , I couldn't even laugh as the mask had dried tight around my face.

Taking it off was a tricky task. It had stuck to the edges off my face and it was like ripping a plaster off, Sue had to cut a little bit of my hair too. I think we will vaseline the children first. It was all good fun though.

The local paper has printed my pic of the houses that collapsed in Winton last Sunday and for the first time they printed my name. First the magazine and now the paper....excellent end to the week.

I'm off for a swim now, hopefully it will wash the mod roc out of my hair!

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