Monday: Women Are Persons

The day got muggier and muggier and by this evening we were having some spectacularly heavy rain.  All on the day my boss hosted a garden party.  Luckily he was able to pivot it to being inside.  

It was my first evening reception since we got here.  I’d hoped to get off relatively lightly here and not have to do too many evening events, but one in two months really isn’t too bad.

I had a dental appointment today.  I needed to have a check up to make sure I’m dentally fit for our next destination.  There’s a few follow up things but nothing too serious.

On the way there I passed by the statues ‘Women Are Persons’. It’s a tribute to five women, all from Alberta, who challenged a Supreme Court ruling that women couldn’t serve in the Senate because women weren’t ‘qualified persons’.  The decision was reversed in 1929.

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