Birthday present

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This is courtesy of R who sent me a video today of S enjoying his present, a lesson, not the helicopter!!! He had one last year which we saw and I blipped. I had to faff about and take a picture of my iPad screen to get this, hence the poor quality.

Our mini holiday is over, so it’s back to the usual routine. B collected Amber from the kennels at 9am, by which time I had the first load of washing on. Washing and drying took most of the day as the weather didn’t perk up ‘till mid afternoon. 

Although only away for 5 days, this is the longest time away for over 2 years. We have achieved a great deal and I have done something that has been on my wish list for over 50years!!!

When I was a student nurse in Worcester in the ‘60’s we use to be invited to the discos at the BBC Social Club in Evesham. They were provided by and for the engineering students living at Wood Norton. We didn’t have transport or money, so with permission from Matron (a bit of a dragon) someone was allowed to ring the nurses home to ask how many of the nurses would like transport to attend the twice weekly event. They were great fun, all the latest music and interesting chat. 

We had to be back at the hospital by 11, as that was locking up time and if you were late you had to report to night sister to be let in. Matron’s office would be informed in the morning and you would have to give a reason why!! 

I heard lots about Wood Norton Hall, but only BBC employees were allowed on the enormous site. The new students were there for many weeks, so we would get to know them. One young man told me so much about the hall and the decor. I think that he was struggling with being away from his family and drew pictures of the Fleur-de-lis and other decorations to send home to his Mum who was ‘up north’!!! He would show me what he had done, they were good, I was always happy to listen. 

About a year or so later I received a phone call at the nurses home. The young man (I cannot remember his name) had rung to ask if I would like to go to London for the day and visit the BBC. I went, of course, and saw round Broadcasting House off Portland St and Television Centre out at White City. A most interesting and unforgettable day. I saw Z cars being filmed, with James Ellis and Brian Blessed and an ‘out of bounds’ studio where the latest thing was happening …. it would be colour TV !!!!

The reason for the invite was that it was a ‘thank you’ for the support that I’d given him, without which he may not have continued his training and be in the job he loved. I hadn’t appreciated that he was struggling so much, I was just doing what nurses do ……caring !!! It taught me a early lesson in my nursing career, that it’s often the little things that matter most. Kindness doesn’t cost!! I was only about 2 years older than he was, a bit like his big sister. It was a lovely gesture. 

I always wondered what Wood Norton Hall really looked like inside. When we realised that the hotel was in business, I just had to visit. Walking in was like going back in time, just like the pictures that I saw all those years ago!!! 

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