And we're off!

We were at Belfast City Airport bright and early this the rain! The sun was shining by the time we arrived in London Heathrow and after a very short stop we were in the air again for the flight to Amsterdam.  We arrived about 2pm, unfortunately our luggage didn't!!!! We had a stressful wait to find out what was happening,  and the cases arrived on the next flight,  luckily only 2 hours later.  We had our phones on flight mode, so no calls/emails,  and when N. checked his phone after we arrived at the hotel,  there was an email from BA to say the cases were on their way. The email had arrived after we landed,  and of course we didn't see it! 
My blip is of our hotel,  the Pestana Riverside Hotel,  which used to be a municipal building,  the town hall we think. The extra is of the planes at Heathrow as we took off for Amsterdam.  
Take care everyone xxx 

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