Yet another EB

Busy day. Spent the morning up to my eyes in senior staff salary reviews and sifting email, then over to another interview panel. Went well, interesting conversations and for once a stand out preferred candidate. It will involve a big move if they accept…and couldn’t help thinking about the life changing impact on the family of this last two day exercise….their child will grow up in Scotland rather than where they are now on the other side of the ocean, and all as a result of this serendipity. I know all our histories play out in ways like this but for some reason I was really struck by it today, thinking about that little 6year old who I could imagine being just like AR.
Anyway, enough musing on serendipity…home to give A&N a lift to a gig then have some supper and start intensive prep for the big estates ask tomorrow. Fingers crossed they give us the huge lump of money we need to finish this project!

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