Over the Falls

My Dad and I have been on a lot of waterfalling trips. I think the best states for waterfalls are North Carolina, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

We were up in the western U.P., on the Black River...and were watching kayakers go over waterfalls. It looked like fun...but potentially dangerous.

I've wanted to try it ever since. With all the rain we've had lately...I figured it was as good as time as any. Trying to be very thorough...I scouted the best spot to go over...picking the spot with the most water at the bottom.

It was a cheap thrill. Hitting on the bottom wasn't too much fun...but...I'm glad I tried it.

A couple of reasons I DON'T want you to put it into LARGE.

1. Why isn't the kayak wet? (Just coincidence?)
2. Why doesn't he have a hat on when it's only 41F (5C) out? (Just tough...I guess.)
3. Why is he screaming like a little girl? (It was scary.)
4. What is that small thing in his right hand?

The small thing in my hand is my camera remote. I propped the kayak up against the fence in my backyard...gingerly entered the boat...pushed the button...and made the face.

A VERY small part of me still wants to take the kayak up into the Upper Peninsula, and attempt to go over some waterfalls. Another part of me answers that with..."You're nuts...don't be stupid."

Speaking of being both nuts and stupid...watch this 4 minute clip on YOUTUBE. It's a young man going over a 186 foot waterfall in Washington state. UNREAL.

Here's the PICTURE from my backyard. Kinda funny. Glad nobody saw me.

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