The Brook

I'd like to thank everyone who submitted a blip for this Monday's Mono challenge.  I had 75 entries, and they are all very good.  It was a difficult task to decide on the hearts, many more of the entries deserved such an award.  I've awarded five hearts and five honourable mentions.  These are listed below:


Honourable Mentions

I'd also like to thank everyone who visited my Monday blip and left stars and comments.  They're all very much appreciated.

Next week the literary theme is The Wind in the Willows, MM435. The links can be as tenuous as you like, and remember the theme is optional.  For those of us who need a reminder of Kenneth Grahame's novel I found the Wikipedia entry was quite informtive.

In other news:  we finished filling the skip today.  We also had a surplus sofa which I had advertised as Free on our local neigborhood web site.  Today someone requested it and two young men manhandled the heavy settee into a van. I'm sure its gone to a good home!

This afternoon we had a WRAP trustees' zoom meeting after which I went for a little walk down to the local brook where I was looking for wildflowers for this week's WildFlower Week hosted by Miranda1008.  So here are a couple of buttercups, complete with insect.

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