

of a

yellow forsythia bush

many moons ago - my mama used to - have a whole row - of yellow forsythia bushes - in the front of our - house and this wasn’t - just any house - it was my childhood - house; the house where i - mainly grew up - those very first - formative years we have - when our earliest - memories are formed

how i recall - those bushes and their - vibrancy of color - every spring and summer - they simply blazed - against the white - of our house - i didn’t know then - that such a memory - was being seared - upon my brain - not until i saw - this tiny bush - with its same - vibrant yellow reaching - towards the sky - and my brain exploded - with the flashback of - our house on the block - with its own row - of yellow beckoning - to one and all - with its glorious coloring to have…


happy day.....

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