Texann Times

By Texann

Jagged and jagged again.

None of my activities today leant themselves to me taking photos. Had a (hopefully) routine doctor's appointment where I got a tetanus booster jag - assumed you wouldn't really wish to see that. So when I got home, I wandered around my (rather sad and empty) garden to see if I could spot an interesting insect or a new bud. All I got was scolded by a very irritated mockingbird, which I'm assuming has a nest nearby and it was trying to draw me away from it. At least it hasn't resorted to mobbing me yet. 

I then came to my sago palms (although I do understand that they aren't true palms). I've always found their "workings" fascinating to look at and they create brilliant patterns. I believe this is a female plant. All of these gnarly bits (obviously the botanical term) appear at the top of the stem. The fronds emerge from between them and hang over them, so you have to be prepared to be jagged if you want a close up. I always think they look like something creepy from a sci-fi film. I may need to plant some flowers soon to give me more things to blip.

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