
By Poppy


In the winds over the last few days a lot of the tulips have lost their heads. Being so rigid, they just snap off. I thought I better take a photo of these survivors!

J had an hospital appointment in Aberdeen today, leaving on the first plane and not getting back until early evening. His wife R is now very weak and needs constant attention, so she is getting respite in the care home from last night until tomorrow. morning. 

Unfortunately, J got to the airport for the flight home only to be told he had to return to the hospital as they were concerned about some of his test results. He rang this evening to ask me to nip up to the house and turn things off. He'd been expecting to be home tonight and now he's been told he'll be in for a few days.

Thankfully, R is being well cared for and can stay where she is as long as is needed, but hopefully it won't be too long. 

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