All Roads Lead Home

Took the bus back up to Binghamton today. An adventurous trip to say the least.

I was at Dunkin in Penn Station when a women two people ahead of me walked away crashed into the very visible display case. Passed out, woke up, vomited everywhere, and passed out again. So scary. The cops were on the scene in less than 30 seconds thanks to the heightened security in Penn. The Dunkin lady told me that the women had said she just took some pills. Didn't stick around long since they wanted people out of there but very scary.

Then, on the very lovely bus ride a man went into the bathroom and smoked a cigarette. Very obvious because when he came out it reeked. The bus driver pulled over and started screaming at him but all he kept saying was "Why don't you just get us where we need to go?" over and over until the driver started the bus and kept driving.

But now I'm back at Bing safe and sound. Stayed up till 3am watching the manhunt going on in Watertown until I passed out on the boys couch. Woke up a long while later and Venus and Arthur sitting there watching. Scary stuff, hope they catch him soon.

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
-Bernice Johnson Reagon

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