Snow showers on the Remarkables …

….. ….. from the Crown Range Saddle.

The first real day of winter. True to the forecast, we even had snow falling fairly thickly around the Village.

I drove up to the Crown Range saddle late afternoon, and let Missy have a run. She went crazy in the snow up there, bouncing over the tussocks - she’s in Extras.

Also in Extras is a Speargrass, aka Spaniard -
Aciphylla colensoi is a species of Aciphylla, commonly known as giant speargrass, Spaniard, or its Māori-language name Taramea. Individual plants may be up to 90 cm (35 in) in diameter and half as high, and consist of sharp spines - not to be messed with! They’re lethal.
This was a large one.

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