Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Rain drops keep falling

Hopefully they are going to stop for the week end.  I think the gardens (and me) have had enough.
As I had quite a strenuous day yesterday with a lot of walking, I have taken it easy today and done boring housework fo a change.
Rang Wavendon theatre to book a seat to see Georgie Fame and his two sons in June.  It has been postponed until October, so longer to wait to see a musician I liked in the 60's, but I HAVE got a front row seat.
He was the entertainment when I went to a dinner and dance at Woburn Abbey, in the days when we all dressed up in evening gear.  At midnight they opened up the funfair they had in the grounds and Georgie Fame followed me down the Helter Skelter,  We had fruit cake for 'breakfast' at 4 a.m.
Those were the days!!

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