These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Happy Mother's Day!

We celebrated Mother's Day with a family tea party in which we all made paper hats and had finger sandwiches, mini cakes and tea. It was hilarious and fun. I actually had to work at church this morning, so while I was away, everyone was busy making all the goods for the party. Here, Grammy pours Miss Mia a little cup o tea. Mia didn't actually wear her paper hat, she preferred Mia's cowgirl bandana!

It was another beautiful day and we spent a lot of time outside and just relaxing. Went to church this evening and at one point, all the kids piled into the sanctuary. We go to a huge church and the kids had roses, one for each mom. Tyler was old enough to be included in the group. I sat in a strategic spot, hoping to see him. I didn't see him come in, but he was wearing his brown jacket and had his hood on and I was able to spot him once he was in the front. He had a big kid friend holding his hand and helping him. He never walked right by us, but we got to watch him hand out roses to other mom's from a distance. So so sweet and so so special. When we picked him up from Sunday school, he was thrilled beyond belief to give me a necklace he made. Ah, the simple things in life...

and yes, this is essentially my 100th blip - but it's nothing 100rdy at all. Just pure simple fun! Goodnight all!

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