
By GirlKojak


With Google I'm starting to burn out on knowing the answer to everything. People in the year 2020 are going to be nostalgic for the sensation of feeling clueless.
(Doug Coupland)

Actually I find I don't remember stuff any more because I know I can just look it up in a few seconds, but that is beside the point ...

I thought I'd do my own version of a picture that has gone viral on social networking sites. I saw it on Facebook myself, and you've all no doubt seen it somewhere.

I do kind of hate big corporations like Google, but I have to admit I never think of using any other search engine. At least someone there has a sense of humour, though. These are well-known too, but have you ever tried Googling 'do a barrel roll' or 'askew'?

Just Google!

Let's not comment on the grammar, hey?

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