Pink Campion

I'm not sure why this pink campion has appeared in my pot of chives, but I was pleased to see it: it was late in a busy day, I was finally outside with the camera, and, in this week of posting very little, I've not yet managed a wild flower photo. It was too windy for comfort, but the light was good and, after waiting for pauses in its waving and trying quite a lot of shots, I ended up with a few more or less in focus. The tiny spider was a bonus which I didn't spot till I downloaded the pictures: as always, the macro lens sees more than my aging eyes do.

J doesn't have a PA here on Fridays, and it was a full day: the last session of the very good creative writing and journaling project she's been following online since the autumn; then a short live stream of work in progress from the film group at her care centre, including her little Harry Potter animated sequence - today was screening day, and they streamed it so that J could join in. Finally, we joined another National Gallery Talk and Draw session on Zoom; this month's work was an early Monet oil painting of the beach at Trouville, where two ladies with parasols sit close to the viewer, with a large glimpse of the beach visible in the negative space between them. It was this negative space that the workshop leader focused on, and we were encouraged to try drawing in white on brown paper. The hastily grabbed recycled envelope was not the ideal surface for watercolour pencils, but the use of white and a bit of colour on brown worked well, something worth exploring further, and we both enjoyed our hand over hand attempt to capture the proportions and shapes of the original.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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