
Glorious day in the hills and a big walk up to Glaramara, Allen’s Crags and down Grains Gill. Lots of ‘wow’ moments as we sat on hilltops with fabulous 360 views round the hill tops.
We picked a quieter route up, but soon found more people up on the tops. Our route down was also a path used for Scafell and Great Gables, so plenty of folks around. I’m not used to walking in the lakes so found it quite strange to see so many people about. But everyone was very happy with their day - and rather sun burned too. Our only downer on the day was when we headed straight to the pub for dinner only to be told they had stopped serving. Grr, I could’ve cried. But, we yomped (limped actually) back to hostel and had a very nice dinner there sitting outside.

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