A Gorgeous Day!

Oh the weather was just lovely today! Sunny, blue skies, 74F/23.3C. We went for a walk in the arboretum this morning, followed by grocery shopping. I spent the afternoon in the garden puttering around. Unfortunately my neighbors were having a large tree cut down so the sound of chainsaws and chippers filled the afternoon, along with the sound of my husband sanding our deck, and just to top it off, the airshow in the town next door added F15 fighter jets to the mixture. At one point I just screamed it was so loud. No one heard me. Not a peaceful afternoon.

This is Cistus salviifolius 'Prostratus' or Sageleaf Rockrose - one of the plantings in my new front garden where the lawn was taken out. Eventually it should be a rather large carpet of glorious white flowers not needing much summer water, along with all the other plantings. 

Hope your Sunday has been a bit quieter than mine!

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