Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

The Best-Laid Schemes…

One of the many things I no longer need, and should be divesting myself of, is the large Grumman aluminum canoe parked out of sight on the side of the house (extra). I offered it to my kids but there were no takers, so I decided to sell it when boating season came around. 

A week ago I went to take a photo of the data plate located inside the canoe. As I tilted it away from the wall, a small bird flew out near the ground. I didn’t see any nest, so thought it must have been foraging inside, then forgot about it.

My plan for today was to mow the weeds alongside the canoe, then have my neighbor help me move it onto saw horses on the patio. As the mower approached the canoe, a startled small bird flew out — no doubt the same one. I turned off the mower, took a few steps forward, and almost stepped on the nest. I grabbed a couple of quick photos and retreated. I could hear the bird protesting in a nearby tree. and think I saw it return to the nest eventually.

FIrst thing tomorrow I’ll be out trying to discreetly check on the bird family. I do hope they are thriving, even though it would mean waiting a few weeks to resume my selling plan. I’ve given Hamish strict instructions to be extra diligent in his cat patrols.

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