Red Square

Three hours of cultural competency training this morning - lateral violence for an hour, then cultural responsiveness and the journey to self. We all had to do it, a response to an incident of “micro aggression” at work.

I skived off for the afternoon (macro aggression) and wandered home via the former Eveleigh locomotive workshops. Red Square is a cultural response (!) to the area’s industrial past and the many union leaders and workers who were communist party members.

Today’s mono challenge is The Wind in the Willows, which I haven’t read - except for the online plot summary. If Ratty, Moley and Badger had joined forces with the Wild-Wooders, they could’ve ejected Mr Toad from Toad Hall and lived in ease rather than eking out a miserable existence in their squalid burrows.

Thanks for hosting FrankS.

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