Drinks Run Rating System...

I have an ongoing dissentive conversation with 'SubwaySubOTheDayDayTheDay Livvo' at work regarding drinks runs. 'Drinks run' being defined as taking an order of drinks from the department which is then collected from the drinks machine and distributed.

The problem in this process is that 'SubwaySubOTheDayDayTheDay Livvo' seems to think I have a reputation for not getting the drinks in all that often. His claim to 'getting the drinks in all the time' would seem to refer to when he arrives in the morning and there's usually only one other person in.

I've developed a rating system for the drinks run to give a more balanced view of effort incurred...

o Only drinks collected for persons other than yourself are applicable for scoring.
o Each drink collected from the closest drink machine accrues 1 point each.
o Each drink collected from any geographically more distant machine accrues 2 points each.
o Extra style points can be scored for additional drinks collected over and above the 6 that can be held in a standard drinks tray without use of an additional tray. 1 additional point for each extra drink.
o Points can be taken away for getting a drink for yourself without at least offering to get for others. 1 point deducted for each person in the department catchment at commencement of illegal drink run.

These guidelines are in a state of test just now whilst measured against real data input so any additions are welcome.

...or maybe my mind has been using up too much of it's idle time again.


Notes on a Picture
This is an additional installation to Project Cacti. Some slight repair and load testing is required before it's addition which I'll hopefully be able to put in tomorrow.

It has also given me another 'project' avenue to use my 'Dremel-a-like' tool I bought off E-Bay donkeys ago and only used twice before.

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