The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

South Queensferry

A night on the town, well in it. We managed to park on the newly one way stretch of road and watch the comings and goings of the entitled youth with supernumerary cars from Edinburgh  who then noisily roared out of the cat park back to Edinburgh  on twos and threes. The 'Farting', (I'm  sure that's not the technical  name for it), exhausts, spewing out the unspent fuel, must cost them/parents a pound or two. With Fuel approaching £1.80/ litre, it is expensive  and not just for the planet.

We had a relaxed evening walk along the foreshore, despite a small dog trying to commit  suicide by leaping over the 10 foot wall onto the shore in front of us. Although the trains did carry on through the night over the World heritage  Forth Bridge, we slept and awake to a glorious view. I don't  suppose  we'll  ever do it again as the pavement  marking seem to suggest car spaces are due to be marked out. Our van will be banned as they are fast becoming unwanted everywhere. 
Luckily  we can go and be welcomed in Europe this summer as they realise people with vans usually  have a bit of disposable  income...until winter fuel bills that is.


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