I returned to my happy place for my second anniversary Blip. The native YUCCA are blooming up a storm along this rural road; & this beauty (in the foreground) resembles a small tree. Every time I pass it, it makes me laugh.

I began Blipping soon after COVID arrived, as a way to counter the fear & anxiety of those days. It has been a crazy roller coaster these past 2 years, but throughout,
Blip has been an oasis of kindness, camaraderie & wonderful photography. I have stayed close to home, but every day I travel the world with your Blips. I have found a community here like no other, where
my day is instantly lightened when I open the Blip APP.

Throughout all the COVID trials,
wildfire trauma, political turmoil and everything in between, there is always
a kind word waiting for me about my Blips.
And, everyday your Blips make each day
more fun, interesting & enlightening.

The mountains in my Blip are turning
dry & brittle from the drought; but, I can
look at your Blips to see green rolling hills, well loved dogs, farm animals, murals in alleys, outdoor sculptures & gorgeous flowers of every color, amazing birds in flight.

Thank you for sharing your world with me.

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