Au revoir and bonjour

Alice and I said our goodbyes to M (how I hate those goodbyes) and set off at 8.45 taking the motorway route. No wrong turnings today! As I drove, we were talking about living in France or Guernsey, and how we might feel when we moved back to Guernsey. Alice said "it feels like I have a tear in my heart, and one half wants to stay in France and the other half wants to live in Guernsey". Oui, c'est ça! Exactement!

We arrived in Saint Malo at 10.15, so did the Sunday veg shopping at La Madeleine, plus a couple of baguettes, croissants and pains au chocolate.

A glorious day and a calm crossing.

We arrived home to find ourselves locked out for a couple of minutes until N appeared, but it gave us time to say hello to Minnie and Cookie (the cats).

Later this afternoon, J, N, Alice and I went out in the car and had a walk around Beaucette Marina. A lovely day but chilly in the wind! Mum visited later.

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