Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


Fingers crossed that this means lemons! It gets lots of sun on the roof terrace and is a new tree we bought earlier in the year and so are happy to see this blossom. Our other lemon tree is on the patio, is much bigger, and has given us two lemons in 23 years.  It only gets sun for a few hours a day though and not all year and we wouldn't want to move it after all that time!

Bb and I did a bit of joint gardening on the patio at the end of a very hot day, 33 degrees I believe. We trimmed the ivy on the back wall a little and chopped back the marquessa before it took over completely! 

Some Japanese for dinner at Chins.  Some Aptis in the afternoon.  A walk, but didn't reach anywhere near my target today. 

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