I bought a negative scanner and I'm working my way through dozens of packets of old negs. Most will be thrown away, but there are hidden treasures. Here we are in 1969 or 1970, judging by how old we look. I'm in the front seat of the car aged somewhere between 17 and 19, and that's Mum in the back with my sisters on the ground. Soon after this I'd have been off to university, and the other girls would be wanting to spend weekends with friends and boyfriends so family picnics would become fewer and further between. We were probably somewhere near an ancient monument, hill fort or stone circle. Other negs in the packet are of my younger sisters scrambling over the sarsens at Stonehenge when such things were possible, and we often used to have picnics in the earthworks at Avebury with the little sisters having races to roll down the slopes into the ditches.

For those interested, I think the car was a Ford Zodiac MkIII, and although I had driving lessons when I was 17, I was never let loose in it.

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