Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Buttercup in Blue

Really quite chuffed with this image as it is pretty much OOTC (out of the camera).  We were up at the stables and while L was out dodging the showers I was mucking out and doing the other jobs.  I'd taken the camera with the 200-500mm lens in the hope of capturing some images of the swallows that frequent the stables.  There aren't as many as in previous years, probably because of the disturbance caused to their roosts when they put new roofs on the stables.

It was only as I was heading out to do the poo picking that I noticed these buttercups and a small blue flowered low growing plant next to it.  It's at moments like this that you appreciate the articulating rear viewfinder on modern cameras as I lay it and the lens on the ground to shoot through the blue flowers onto the buttercup.  I tried a few different compositions but this was my favourite.

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