Ina and Jessie Dish the Dirt

Jessie:  I see her at No 4 has been in the infirmary

Ina:  Is it as we expected ?

Jessie:  Well at her age what else ?

Ina:  Is the wife who cleans the Manse still having it off with the coalman ?

Jessie:  Apparently they couldn't wait last week.  They were caught at it in the coalhoose.  They were covered in dross.  She claimed she was helping him empty his sack.

Ina:  What happened to the Origami classes started by that snooty wife with the gazebo?

Jessie:  They folded.

Ina:  She's had her veins done.  Stop fidgeting; whits wrong?

Jessie:  Well, it keeps riding up

Ina:  I telt ye aboot that catalogue.

Jessie: Well, she telt me last week her daughter is getting a birthing pool.  What nonsense.  Our Desmond was born in the lobby.  In fact he wiz conceived there.

I:  She's interested in all things homeopathic. 

Jessie:  I thought we weren't allowed to use the 'h' word?

Ina:  I hear Mary's man has had to have that operation 'down there'.  He approached it with a sense of.....

Jessie:  Circumspection ?

Ina:  Well it's no skin off my nose.

Jessie:  Did he give the surgeon a tip ?

Ina:  I had to look the other way when she telt me. 

Jessie:  Mind on when Bunty used to have a thing with the nightwatchman at the Depot?

Ina:  Aye, she always  carried a torch for him.

Jessie:  Are they living in sin?

Ina:  No, in Alva.

Jessie:  Her Gordon's been in trouble again in the park.  He claimed he was marking his territory.

Ina:  The time before it was his hand held device.

Jessie:  By the way did you finish that book l gave you a loan of? 

Ina:  You mean the Neitzsche ?

Jessie:  Yes.  Don't you think his early work, though potentially too polemical, lured aesthetes into a demimonde ?  I don't think he ever really reconciled with Schopenhauer.

Ina:   Jessie

J:  Yes ?

Ina: Are you going to finish that scone ?

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