
By portobelloman

Election memories

This is a photograph of an old photograph (I took both) taken on the day of my mum and dads 40th wedding anniversary.
Election time always brings memories of my dad flooding back.He was a commited socialist and was given the chance to stand as candidate for Galloway in the 1950 General Election, which he turned down in favour of the screen actor James Robertson Justice, my dad acted as his election agent and spent most of the time in the pubs of Galloway (Justice was a powerful drinker) spreading the message.In those days in Galloway they didnt count the Tory vote, they weighed it!!.
My dad served with the RAF during WW11 as a tail gunner in Bombers, ending up in Burma.He was very disturbed by his war experiences and spent the rest of his life making sure I had no inclanation to join the services.
In the photograph you can also see my mum who during the war worked in a factory making cordite, the womens contribution to the war effort I believe has never been properly acknowledged.My big sister and my nephew are also in the shot.

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