Odd one out competition:)

Answer: bottom left - taken at the park looking across.  The others are taken in my garden, looking up. I think May is living up to its reputation of being absolutely lovely, though fortunately- for the garden - there’s bit some good heavy rain in the last few days.  But it hasn’t hung around, luckily. 
A busy morning at Fareshare, they asked us to come in an hour early this week.  Quite a challenge for me to start work at 8:-)
We got all the food consignments done, with extra volunteers.  Then we had to clean the warehouse.  I was on mopping - I’ve honestly never used a mop and bucket with a squeezy contraption before.  With one other person I mopped the whole warehouse, about half a football pitch.  They said it was just a regional meeting, but I don’t believe them. We didn’t even mop the floor for BBC and ITV regional recently. I think it must be something really special - a visit by someone of the calibre of Marcus Rashford maybe? Anyhow I’ll find out next week! 
I was completely exhausted after all that hard mopping work.  Being a cleaner is a very hard job, essential, and worthy of respect, I feel. 

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