Dawn arrival

I had arranged to work from home (i.e. doing things by audiovisual links) while we had to be out of the Titirangi house due to replacing the asbestos containing roof tiles with long run iron. Yesterday showed just how difficult that can be when interacting with patients whose current mental state is significantly altered. As I also need to get a warrant of fitness for my car (before Saturday in order to drive legally), and that was proving awkward to arrange here at Snells Beach, I booked it with Newmarket Nissan and drove down early. 

The trip was one of the smoothest I've ever had, and I arrived earlier than intended. However, the Workshop manager arrived at the same time I was getting out of my car to see what to do, and he recognised me, logged the car in and I set off walking to the Unit. 

The route took me past the Auckland Museum, and the Cenotaph on the forecourt in front of the Museum. Which is where I saw this somewhat past dawn sky.

Given the work I had to do today, I am relieved that I was doing it in person, even those bits where I was writing in the electronic record. The system is clunky at the best of times, and is almost impossible when working remotely and linking in.

Too tired and past everything this evening to want to attend Peer Review. I'll make it up later in the year.

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