From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Saturday strolling

I didn't wake up until 7:23 this morning which is great for me! I'd always said that if I ever slept past 7am, I'd actually be dead. Mom reminded me I'd said that when she greeted me with a cup of tea and concerned face five minutes later.
'Why did you bring me a cuppa if you thought I might be dead?' I asked.
'Well, I knew I could drink it if you weren't in the mood!' she said.

The day was a bit colder than yesterday but nice enough so we went out after Jeremy Kyle USA. Yes, I know. I know! It was up to TK Maxx for tea and lemon meringue. I left the seagulls alone today. I took quite a few pictures at the foot of the bridge where I'd taken the shiny cobbles blip the other day. There were loads more people as it was Saturday. They were looking everywhere but straight at me trying to avoid the evil eye of the camera. They were circling round me like a mini traffic island (or dog turd). Quite funny really! Blipfoto provides great entertainment at times!

We came back via the beach but didn't stay long as the wind was starting up again.

I have spent most of the afternoon looking at squirrel baffles on Amazon.

Track? This is for no good reason at all as it doesn't go with anything! It is one of my all time favourites. I went off it for a while as I had a boyfriend at the time who always used to announce he was going to the loo by saying he was going for a Robert - Big Log

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