Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

First proper cycle to work.

I think I'm going to enjoy these cycles, mainly on days like this though.

After talking to Hannah, Nat and Elly last night about wanting to get back into Blip, they suggested this might be a good place to start - so here I am.

I took the cycle fairly leisurely this morning, and it took 45 minutes with 2 fairly long wrong turns so I'm hoping I'll be able to get it down to half an hour in not too long. I felt surprisingly good doing it so hopefully that's a good sign.

Fridays are my favourite because I always finish at 3. This meant I had a nice cycle home, stopped on the cliff to call Jess (I was having a 'life's good' moment) then went home to make fajitas for Hannah, Alan and George before going out. £5 bottles of wine called D'Vine just have to be good really.

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