
By EddieRiff

Code word.

Daily Mail UK has everyday a puzzle i always enjoy doing, its called code word.

The only clues/prompts you are given are a couple of letters or just one and from there your knowledge of words comes into play.

One really enjoys doing these puzzles, but this specific one i had quite a synchronistic moment, i have not been in the frame of mind about going into the darkroom for quite a while now and had always toyed with the idea of doing a series of images in the way of a story board, these thoughts, doubts were quite strong on the morning of my waking, i went out and got the paper and thought no more of it.

Welcome to my world of Jung.

"Tales from the Darkroom" when the clue and the answer came at the same time whilst doing this puzzle, Answers abound. thank you universe for your guidance.

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